Energy Efficiency Conference

2nd Annual National Conference on Energy Efficiency

Wednesday, 9 October, 2024

Exhibition Hall 7A, Level 3, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)

As we look towards the horizon of 2050, global forecasts predict a rapidly growing population of 9.7 billion, accompanied by unprecedented economic expansion. However, this growth also brings significant challenges, including increased energy demand and the looming threat of climate change.

In acknowledging the urgency of a sustainable energy landscape for Malaysia, the Government launched the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) in August 2023 as a comprehensive strategic plan to steer the energy systems away from conventional, fossil-fuel-based sources and towards cleaner, more sustainable alternatives.

Energy efficiency — using less energy for more productivity — is one of the key components in Malaysia’s energy transition agenda, reinforcing the International Energy Agency’s view of energy efficiency as ‘the first fuel’ – the cleanest and, in most cases, cheapest way to meet energy needs.

The 2nd Annual National Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will bring together industry leaders, policymakers, regulators, senior technical and technology professionals, and for the first time, the academia – to accelerate progress on energy efficiency.

The full-day program will include a leadership roundtable and panel discussions on key topics to increase tangible actions on energy efficiency.

Please email Steve Chai at [email protected] to receive an invitation to the event.

Join the National Energy Efficiency Collaboration

The National Energy Efficiency Collaboration (NEEC) was established in October 2023 to gather like-minded stakeholders to scale up and speed up the deployment of innovative technologies and solutions to realize the National Energy Transition Roadmap. The Collaboration sets out to:

  • Advocate for improved minimum energy efficiency standards for industry equipment and systems;
  • Share best practices and innovative technologies to accelerate retrofitting of public and government buildings;
  • Engage key stakeholders including energy providers, regulators, users and influencers in knowledge-sharing dialogues on energy efficiency; and
  • Establish knowledge partners to expand the collaboration and to help industries identify technology and solutions that deliver the greatest value

Founding members

With the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation at its helm, the founding members include ABB Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Atlas Copco (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Daikin Malaysia Sales & Service Sdn Bhd and Business Sweden.

Call to action

By joining the Conference and becoming part of the National Energy Efficiency Collaboration, you can work with like-minded organizations to address the pressing challenges of our time and shape a better future for Malaysia. There is no plausible pathway to Net Zero without using our energy resources much more efficiently.

Participation is by invitation. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

1st National Energy Efficiency Conference

Press release [link]

Activities in 2024 – image gallery [link]